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Saturday, June 24, 2006

I was thinking the other night, as I was falling asleep, about how living in another country forces you to think about the country you were raised in more carefully. In a way, you learn more about your national identity when you’re abroad than when you’re in your home country. Of course some people in these days of the globalization of culture have grown up without a mother/father country, moving frequently. As an urban Canadian, I have realized here that our multiculturalism is both unique and thorough.

While there are certainly bigots in Canada, the mainstream ethos, especially in cities like Vancouver and Toronto, is that the idea of a “foreigner” is itself foreign. There are very few people of European descent in Korea, especially in Masan where I am living. There is a section of Seoul that is primarily American, a leftover military village from the Korean War, but other than that, it is a little unusual to see a Caucasian. Whenever it happens, and your eyes meet, there is a curious, inquisitive moment where you are both wondering the reason for the other being there. Usually, among people of my generation, it is teaching English that brings them to Korea.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t see the people here as intentionally trying to make me feel like a foreigner or an outsider. But they do treat you different. Overwhelmingly, it is usually different in a positive light. They come up to you and say hello, hoping to practise the little English they know; they put extra stuff in your shopping bag or give you a discount to try to give you a good impression of Korean culture, or perhaps because they try to imagine the difficulties of being a foreigner. Alternatively, they can guess why I am here, and because Korean culture places such a huge emphasis on education (it is not unusual for high school students to be up until midnight studying), I get treated with respect because I am a teacher, a sung-saeng-nimh, a term they also use for elders.

All this pampering has made me reflect on the lack of mutual respect I often felt back home. One effect of Canada’s intense multiculturalism might perhaps be an erosion of hospitality. Not that Canadians are inhospitable, but perhaps because the idea of a foreigner is foreign to many of us, we don’t feel the need to go to such great lengths to assuage the difficulties of being a foreigner. Just a thought to be considered more…

Friday, June 16, 2006

A Seoul-ful Trip (Part II)

The neighbourhood in Seoul that we went clubbing in was raucus. Cars and people packed the streets like sardines in a can. None of us had the can opener either… Jenna, Adrian’s friend, seemed to have a dead-set itinerary in mind; anytime I whimsically suggested something else (I think I only did that once anyway), it was if I hadn’t said anything. I didn’t mind at the time, overwhelmed as I was with the sights, smells, and sounds emanating from the restaurants and bars that lined the streets. I guess this crowd was sick of the place they usually went to and stayed at.

We went to a sheesha bar: a place where you buy a flavoured block of tobacco and smoke it through a hookah or water pipe. The place we went to was full, but the atmosphere I could tell was fantastic. The plan-B spot also had an amazing atmosphere: it had cushions with which you could lounge on the floor; a pond in the middle of the room with a burnished metal-fish scale effect on the bottom, rose petals, and candles floating on the surface of the water, and private booths on different levels separated off from the other rooms with a gauzy curtain.

While most things in Korea are cheaper than in Canada, the prices in this place were on par with a trendy spot in Toronto. I had an $8 margarita that tasted like straight tequila, and they brought us snacks. The aroma of incense was a little sedating, and I soon got restless, eagerly anticipating the bustle and excitement of another place. The next spot was a sports bar type thing where people were watching world cup action. We ordered more drinks and played euchre. I got my butt kicked!

Next we went to a bar called tinpan alley, where the beers were cheap, and the company consisted of more ex-pats than your typical Korean bar. I met Adrian’s boss here, and he shook my hand firmly said “I like you.” He’s probably one of those guys who evaluates other guys on the strength and co-ordination of their handshakes lol. Nevertheless, he was roguishly charming, and he ambled on in what I thought was a Scottish brogue, but he turned out to be Irish. Here, we played a drinking game called “Circle of Death.” It was incredibly fun: if you draw red, you have to take that number of gulps yourself, but if you draw black, you distribute the gulps to others. If you draw a king, you have to make up a category that everyone has to think of things that fit, and the first one who screws up or can’t think of one has to drink. Draw a Jack, and you have to think of something that you’ve never done before, and anyone who has done it has to drink. Our minds were humorously in the gutter for this one, and a couple times ventured into the realms of “too much information.”

We left this bar for a dance club where they were playing popular North American hip hop songs. Although it was very crowded, the dancing was animated, and much fun was had by all. Jenna could have qualified for “Girls gone wild” at some points of the evening. Adrian and I caught a cab home and unwound, rehashing some of the nights already fond memories. The verdict: Seoul is full of Soul.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Seoul-ful Trip

I went to Seoul on the weekend, whimsical, sprawling Seoul. The scale of this city is mind-boggling. The only thing that compares to it in my experience is London (mind you, I’ve never been to New York City). The area around the bus terminal is kind of boring, so my first impression was a little dreary. The cloudy weather didn’t help. I arrived in the city at four in the morning, having slept what little I could on the bus from Masan. I romped around a little, taking a few night shots with the trusty digi-camera, then I found a bathhouse to clean up and take a little nap in.

I woke up at seven and proceeded to walk around for hours, as I was due to meet my friend after twelve, when she would finish teaching her students (yes, there’s school on Saturdays here at some schools). I wandered around in a daze, made it to the Han river, which is much wider than I ever expected. Many bridges span it, and in the distance, atop a small mountain was Seoul Tower, a structure roughly similar to Toronto’s own CN Tower, or Seattle’s Space Needle…I made a mental note to visit again in order to see the view from it; I’m sure it would be spectacular being on top of a mountain as it is and all…

Then I wandered back towards the bus depot, where I was meeting my friend Adrian. I passed it, and I found a sports field where people were playing soccer, tennis, basketball, and some weird, wobbly skateboard-type thing. Being a big basketball fan as I am, I sat down and watched the action for a while. When I finally met up with Adrian (I haven’t seen her in 8 months), she asked me whether I wanted to go to one of the magnificent palaces that Seoul houses. I said of course. But soon after we exited the subway (whose system is much more complex than Toronto’s), it started raining raccoons and wolves. We still decided to go through with the hour and a half tour, after which we ended up soaked on one shoulder each, as we were sharing an umbrella. We then went to Adrian’s apartment and relaxed a little before we met up with some of Adrian’s teaching friends for dinner at a Thai restaurant and proceeded to go clubbing. Now, I’m not the sort of person who goes to bars too much anymore, as I usually get bored because I prefer to have conversations where I don’t have to yell, and I appreciate the smoky atmosphere even less than when I was younger. But I figured that because I’m in Korea, now is the time for me to do things I normally wouldn’t, and go out on a limb; I went for the gusto!

But that’s all for now: I will finish the story tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Should Palestine get its own state?

The history of Zionism is long and baroquely complex. This Judaic philosophy of nationhood and return to the ancient homeland was made possible partly by the cultural value placed upon celebrating agricultural feasts, calling for rain according to the seasons of ancient Israel even in Russia, and the importation of sacred vegetation from ancient Israel. When muslims took over the area, their tolerant attitudes towards other religions coexisting with them permitted the Jewish community in Palestine to revive. This revival suffered a drastic setback during the Holy Wars of the Crusades around 1000 AD, when all but about 1000 Jewish families survived the slaughter and subsequent exile. After Saladin regained control of the area on behalf of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish rulers occasionally invited members of the Jewish diaspora back to Palestine to settle. Because of ghettoization in many European cities, this prospect became very attractive, and once again the Jewish community experienced a time of revival.

These cultural memories, combined with the occasional emergence of would-be messiahs who called for a return to Israel, kept alive the idea of return. Indeed, if we think of a nation of people, as Zionism treats Jews, as a body, then we can think of the original exile as a trauma. As Freud, himself a Jew in the fraught atmosphere of Vienna during the rise of the Nazis, noted, behaviour is often outside of conscious control, shaped in part by the occurrence of trauma and its memory. In remembering trauma, we often become transfigured, made over as we were at the time the trauma happened. The return of Jews to their original homeland became in the popular imaginary of Jewry a kind of therapy: a guided return to the site of trauma in order to resolve the “issue” and heal the wounds of the collective psyche.

There were several precursors to the formal emergence of Zionism as a coherent ideology. In 1808 a group of Lithuanian Jews settled in Palestine and forged an agricultural community there. A rabbi named Zvi Hirsch Kalischer petitioned the wealthy Rothschild family to buy Palestine or at least the Temple of the Mount for the Jews in 1836. Another rabbi named Rabbi Solomon Hai AlkalaI believed and taught around this time that redemption was only possible through a return to the ancient homeland. Then, in 1896, Theodore Herzl formally founded the doctrine of Zionism: the idea that the Jews were a nation, a people, and that to enfranchise themselves politically and economically, they needed a state. The next year, there was a conference at Basle, and the focus of Zionists was to procure a state through diplomacy.

Britain favoured the idea, and negotiated with Herzl to build the Jewish State in various places such as Cyprus, Uganda and Palestine. All this diplomacy never amounted to much, but his practical program of encouraging Jews in the diaspora to immigrate to Palestine, especially in the face of of pogroms and other anti-semitic activities in Russia and Europe succeeded. Soon Zionist leaders, in the colonialist fashion of the period, started to discuss plantation plans that included Arab labour much like the plantation system in Algeria, a French colony. The oppression of Jews deflected onto another group: the Arabs.

It has been fashionable for the left to condemn Zionism because of the trouble in the Middle East, and because of its historical association with colonialism. But this does no justice to the breadth of Zionism as an ideology. Some Zionists, in fact, were socialists who envisioned a Jewish State as the only road to true political enfranchisement, and who also founded the kibbutz movement, heavily informed by utopian and socialist sentiments. On the other hand, there were (and are) Zionists who openly discussed the purposeful displacement of Arabs who had long been settled in the area. As it is, the Arabs still do not have a formal State in an area they have lived in for over a thousand years. This just repeats the historical wrong of the exile of the Jews… and the viscious cycle continues.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What makes a Genocide a Genocide?

I heard a man from Columbia University questioning the unanimous condemnation of the situation in Darfur as a bonafide genocide by US officials. The African Congress has been hesitant to come to the same conclusion because it recognizes the ideological motivations behind naming some events genocide and not others. Genocide becomes something "over there," perpetrated by "monsters."

He argues, however, that we hesitate to call the colonization of the Western Hemisphere genocide when we teach history, which was exactly what it was. First Nations populations were as high as almost 100 million when settlers first arrived (hardly an uninhabited continent at all), and dropped to as low as 6 million! Sure, many died from smallpox, but many were simply slaughtered. And the middle passage’s name itself is a euphemism.

Many slaves never survived the middle passage; some preferred to throw themselves overboard in the middle of the ocean than live in the filthy conditions imposed upon them. For that reason, they had nets around to ships, because the slave owners did not want their "property" to get damaged. And even some abolitionists were not pro-emancipation. They wanted to abolish the slave trade, but continue to harness the labour power of slaves through the rape of women already in slavery. These were people who founded our countries. It’s one thing to be proud of your heritage; it’s quite another to sweep all the bad things our ancestors did under the rug. That aside, we still need to find forgiveness in our hearts, or else the cycle of vengeance continues.

African-americans and first nations have inherited this legacy of genocide that still weighs on all humanity. In Canada this legacy finds expression in the contamination of water on reservations. Many of them have been on boil water advisories for years. Let's be honest and call it what it was. Although we might not like to admit it, not only are there monsters overseas, there are monsters in our governments, and there are probably monsters in our family trees.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rumsfeld - Foot in Mouth Again!

Rumsfeld Quotes!

In April 2003, after news images circulated of Iraqis looting Baghdad, Rumsfeld dropped this gem:

"Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things. They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here." Then he went on to say that looting was not uncommon (as opposed to common) for countries that experience significant social upheaval. Does Katrina ring a bell? Or Watts?

"Stuff happens." Such a stunning polite turn on a pedestrian obscenity! How very tidy of him!

General Richard Myers towed this binary line: "This is a transition period between war and what we hope will be a much more peaceful time."

On the location of Saddam Hussain on April 12, 2003 (soon after the war began), Rumsfeld said: "I do not personally have ... enough intelligence from reliable sources ... that would enable me to walk up and say that I have conviction that he's dead, I also lack conviction that he's alive." It's a tightrope walk having such power, I suppose. You're constantly negotiating between war and peace, death and life, bad things and wonderful things. Here we are, two and a half years later, and still no "peaceful time." And just what are those "..." hiding?

Sometimes I think this dumb act is exactly that - an act ("I do not personally have ... enough intelligence"). I think that these folks are smart enough to make other smart people laugh at their slip-ups, and yet appeal to your average joe. I was wading through my files as I was moving, and I dug up a CNN article that had these quotes in it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006



This blog is a little more personal than most of my previous ones, but I will try to link it to current political issues as well. My partner's cat, Lily, has shared his life for nineteen years, and mine for a year and a half. She is a very sweet tempered tabby, who often seeks to be beside us. She has her own chair, and she often sits with us during dinner. One night, he was at a party and a friend of his brought him the cat as he was leaving and told him that it was being abused. He took her home, and Lily found a loving home.

Yesterday, she had 4 incidences of diarrhea and 3 of vomiting. She is loosing weight and looking increasingly frail and fragile; she gets comfortable with difficulty. We are considering the difficult possibility of euthanasia. I bring this up because I support euthanasia in both pets and humans. Sometimes pain and chronic discomfort is too much of a cross to bear for the afflicted, and it hurts loved ones to watch the steady decline. Life is not a value in itself; it must be accompanied by a modicum of pleasure, happiness, and comfort. The erosion of these things and the ascendancy of agony and trouble leach the dignity from life.

I sympathize with the buddhist's mission to eliminate suffering from life. The interconnectedness of phenomena means that the enlightened person cannot enter Nirvana for the simple reason that it is a selfish act to leave behind the unenlightened in the province of suffering. You cannot become enlightened without shedding your attachment to the self, such that the self-interest necessarily accompanying the act of choosing to enter Nirvana disqualifies you from enlightenment. Therefore, the bodhisattva, or enlightened one, chooses to remain outside of Nirvana to help others achieve enlightenment. In other words, no individual can enter Nirvana in good faith until we all can.

Lily has been an angel in our lives, and I wish her well whatever happens to her after she leaves us.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Geothermal Energy: An Alternative to Oil and Electricity as a Source of Heat?

A building in Kitchener, Ontario has jumped on the vanguard of alternative energy; they heat their business with geothermal energy. They built a series of pipes leading straight down into the ground. The pipes are empty, and because the earth, mostly solid, takes a lot longer than air to cool down, it is quite warm as little as 100 feet into the ground. Because warm air rises, this air travels up the pipes and into the building. Brilliant and simple, isn’t it? Much simpler than transporting oil across the world (even though it might be produced a few hundred miles away) to be sold to a distributing company, which then sells it to other sellers, who then sell it to consumers.

Do you liked smoked salmon, or other types of smoked fish? Apparently, more and more companies, rather than using oil or electricity to create the heat to smoke fish, are starting to use Geothermal energy. George Bush and some of his administration have gone on the record as saying that the environment doesn’t matter because Jesus is going to come any day now. But really, protecting the environment is a win-win situation. If you believe in God, then how can you dare profane the world he created by willingly destroying it? If you believe in the earth as an organism, then you are doing right by it through protecting the source of all life through protecting its various essential organs.

How George Bush can claim that the environment doesn't matter, and his actions speak louder than his words with his refusal to sign the Kyoto Accord. He now wants to develop petroleum resources in a National Wilderness Area in Alaska! His logic baffles my mind...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Review of Paris, Texas

I saw a movie the other night that blew me away. I forgot that I had already seen it until about 2/3 of the way through it. Although you might be asking yourself “How can it be that good if you forgot all about it until over half the movie was past?” don’t be fooled. This was a potent film, and apparently it won some prestigious prize at the Cannes film festival. It devastated and crushed me to a pulp with its tragic beauty.

The movie I speak of is Paris, Texas, directed by Wim Wenders, a German filmmaker who I love, but I think I tend to underestimate him sometimes. It starts off with a man walking through the desert around Big Bend National Park in Texas. He finishes the water he carries, and much later we see him stumble into a man’s shack, root around in his icebox, and eat some ice cubes. Then he passes out. When he wakes up, a doctor is tending to him, but cannot get any information whatsoever out of him. Rooting around in the stranger’s clothes, he finds a phone number and calls it. It turns out to be his brother.

The brother travels from Los Angeles to Texas to pick him up, but he has disappeared. We learn that he and his wife have been missing for four years and that his brother and his wife have been raising their son as their own. For nearly the whole trip home, the seemingly amnesiac man, Travis, doesn’t speak, much to his brother’s frustration. I won’t go into much more detail, but at his brother’s Travis finds out where his wife is living and he kidnaps his own son to go find her. Near the end, you finally hear their story as told by Travis, who maintains a stoic silence through much of the movie. Their story is heart-rending… Sad and beautiful at the same time, and full of moral complexity.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone: the cinematography is beautiful, the music is inspired and suits the content brilliantly, and the screenplay was written by the playwright Sam Shepard. It is really a tri-national collaboration between Germany, France, and the United States. I suppose it’s possible that I wasn’t ready for this movie the first time I saw it.